At Ananya Gems Lab. we take orders for making Gems-Mounted ornaments like finger rings and pendents. Some expericed and specialised people are associated with us to make gems studded rings and pendents. The finishing and perfection of making astrolocial gems are also factors along with right and genuine gemstone for better astological effects and solutions.
For genuineness of gemstone we follow a detailed gems testing procedures. That ensure you get a authentic gems for the eradication of astological issues.
Gems can be devided into two categories. First one is Precious Gemstones and second one is semi-precious Gems. Major precious stones are Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Jade and Pearl. Some other Gems like oriental cat's eye, and alexandrite can be put under Precious Gems. While Red Coral, Amethyst, Topaz, Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Quraz etc. can be categirized in semi-precious gemstones
Navaratna is a combination of nine precious gemstones (Ruby, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald, Red Coral, Pearl, Cat's eye and Hessonite) worn in a single ornament. Mostly people wear the navaratna ring in their finger.